TechniksUSA, EASTEC and Social Media

TechniksUSA is a very careful company and we like to do our homework in both our products & our marketing efforts. We’ve moved almost entirely to digital marketing over the past few years. We’ve found our customers preferred to engage with us in Social Media platforms to ask questions and to find out more specific technical information about our products.
At TechniksUSA we use a number of social media platforms. Most people are probably familiar with things like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Blogs and Twitter. We use each one of them and a few others like Foursquare and Gowalla and even publish a daily newspaper of industry information called the TechniksUSA #CNC #Mfg Daily. We’ve found that customers visiting us in person really find our Google Maps profile helpful too.
Eastec Promotion
When we exhibit at Eastec, we try to have a good understanding of the types of work our customers are doing and what they expect from us at the show. In Fact, we’ve created a Social Media promotion just for Eastec where customers who LIKE us on Facebook, or check in on Foursquare, where they can win Golf Balls or Golf Shirts for the summer. By “instantly winning” our customers are also entered for our Grand Prize drawing at the end of the Eastec Show.
Here’s an overview of what you can find on our various social media platforms: Read more of this post